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Gain access to rare data for quality growth investing.
Gain an edge in the market and unleash data-driven decision-making with our spreadsheets.
FEATURING: Three rare data equity screens

1. Quality growth metrics:
Find your next quality growth stock with this screen that scores companies based on how they perform for a range of quality-focused metrics. This includes returns on capital, margin expansion, stock-based compensation, capital expenditure and the interest expense ratio.

2. Dividend growth metrics:
Find your next dividend growth stock with this screen for companies that are not just growing their dividend, but are doing so with linearity. The screen also features the pay-out ratio and FCF growth, to ensure that the long-term future of the dividend is sustainable.

3. Linearity
Find your next high-speed growth stock with this screen for companies that have increased their share price linearly over the long-term.
The product is a ZIP file containing five spreadsheets (.XLSX). There are two spreadsheets covering US and global quality growth metrics. There are two spreadsheets covering US and global dividend growth metrics. And there is one spreadsheet covering US and global share price growth, including CAGRs and linearity.
The data covers over 3,000 countries. The spreadsheet contains data that is up to date as of 27 May 2024.
The product contains various metrics for growth, returns on capital, margins, dividend growth and linearity. Take a look at the screenshots below.
Data covers US, Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden and the UK.
Over 2,000 companies are included, including the S&P 500, S&P 400, S&P 600, FTSE 100, CAC 40 and DAX 40.

– Free cash flow per share growth
– Return on capital
– FCF margin and margin expansion
– Dividend growth
– Share price linearity

– The spreadsheets are for information purposes only and are not to be construed as investment advice. Data has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to its completeness or accuracy.

No refunds. This is NOT a subscription. Data is up to date as of 27 May 2024. Data is sent automatically at purchase to the email you provide. Check your junk folder if you can’t find it. The link will expire so download IMMEDIATELY.

– The product is a ZIP file containing five spreadsheets (.XLSX).
– Over 3,000 companies and multiple countries (inc. US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands.
– This is the perfect companion to “The Quality Growth Investor“.