Long Equity – Q1 2024 Equity Data Spreadsheets

Looking for value-added data specifically for quality growth investors? Need data focued on long-term trends, not short-term market movements?

Then download the latest LONG EQUITY spreadsheet for Q1 2024.


  • US and global equities (Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden and the UK).

  • Over 2,000 companies in total.

  • SPREADSHEETS 1 & 2: 27 data metrics, including rare and hard to find metrics, such as FCF per share growth CAGRs, share price linearity and dividend growth rates. Global and US.

  • SPREADSHEET 3: The growth profiles of US and clobal companies. Breakdown revenue growth, gross profit growth, operating profit growth, net income growth, free cash flow growth and FCF per share growth.

  • SPREADSHEET 4: The spreadsheet scores US and global companies based on 12 metrics for quality growth. This includes a green flag when a company scores positively and a red flag when a company scores negatively.

  • Includes description of what each metric means (see the second tab of each spreadsheet).

  • Spreadsheets are .XLSX files and are therefore compatible with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets and other spreadsheet programs.

  • Scroll through examples below:


This data is the perfect companion to The Quality Growth Investor: The Ultimate Playbook for Quality Growth Investing. Available here.

Only $20
* No refunds
* Product is a ZIP file containing four spreadsheets.
* This is NOT a subscription. 
* Spreadsheet contains data that is up to date as of Feb 2024.
* Once purchased, the data is sent automatically to the email you provide. Check your junk folder if you can’t find it.
* The link will expire so download IMMEDIATELY.

DISCLAIMER: The spreadsheets are for information purposes only and are not to be construed as investment advice. Data has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to its completeness or accuracy.